changing majors?


Veteran XV
anyone been a history major before

i have had 2 years of it and i think it is fuckin boring as hell

anyone here stick with history and get a good job?
well, since it was your first 2 years of college hopefully you were taking core curriculum classes that will transfer to a new major. I would not suggest getting a worthless degree like history. I would suggest business, or medicine, or technology, just something that is actually marketable in the job market.

I mean seriously what kind of job do you work or want to work? Do you care about having money? Do you like solving problems? Do you enjoy talking to people?
My close friend is a history major, but he isn't having a problem with it since history is his absolute passion.

for example.

he's the kind of guy who said 'Happy Battle of Trafalgar day!' to me yesterday. I wanted to hit him [ed- out of sheer frustration at the display of nerd]
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Obibun said:
My close friend is a history major, but he isn't have a problem with it since history is his absolute passion.

for example.

he's the kind of guy who said 'Happy Battle of Trafalgar day!' to me yesterday. I wanted to hit him

So he's the kind of person that will wind up murdered because people hate him? Sounds like a great major to have :(
People don't hate him, they just shake their heads at him.

I think he'll end up curating in a museum or something.. which he tells me he'd love to do
I was a history major for two years, changed to resort tourism management (business science)my junior year

Loving the classes so far but I'm really behind because almost all my classes are in history
you can work for the state department or the CIA with a history major. Not to mention most other government jobs.
you could stay in your easy history degree and just study your ass off for the LSAT to get into law school