omg omg tw what do i dooo!!!

Nail Bomb

i was just on myspace fooling around. i do the normal. i a see girls profile. i think she i cute. so i get her AIM name. we start to talk. *well a little backround on my area. i live in a small small town in central PA. we are about 3 hours from philly and pitt. 4 from nyc. so when you meet somebody off myspace you have to drive an hour at best.*

well she tells me that she lives on my road by her mistake.. well i think "oh maybe there is a road like that around here.. big deal" well we talk more and she confirms that she lives.. umm maybe about 80 feet max from my place.

she seems kind of shy at first but shes warming right up.. OMG OMG WHAT DO I DO TW WHAT DO I DO??!




Her teeth look fine, you picky faggots.

It's those shiners you gotta worry about. She's got more baggage than Paris Hilton's private jet.
just go out with her and be pretty flirtatious with her, but dont try to get into her pants for 2 dates...she'll be yours completely after that