Best knot for a tie?


Veteran XX
Windsor? half windsor? Pratt?, four in hand?

I've always used the windsor because its pretty easy, but the pratt looks sharp imho

Never heard of any of those but the Windsor. I don't wear ties - they look shit with a t-shirt. Try a clip-on?
i dont know the names

i tie my tie the way 99% of the world ties a tie

one time this old teacher at my school showed me how to tie it so the knot looked fuller, but i promptly forgot because i didn't give a shit, big knots look dumb

me and my dad in suits with normal tie knots:

GigaFool said:
i dont know the names

i tie my tie the way 99% of the world ties a tie

one time this old teacher at my school showed me how to tie it so the knot looked fuller, but i promptly forgot because i didn't give a shit, big knots look dumb

I bet he showed you from behind :browsmile:
i go with the half windsor exclusively (it's the only one I know how to do.. taught myself how to tie it (with the help of google and the interweb)when I had to start wearing a tie to work)