New DoW patch fucked up SM?


Veteran XX
It's been about 3 months since I played, and when I play Skirmish everyhting has a different cost. For instance, I could go thru the 1st tech lev with no power gens. Also, there is no option to change the color of the SM eyes in the painter. They are red. There was nothing I saw in the patch notes about this.
Going to tier 2 requires 100 power, always has. You need to get the armoury before you can go to tier2, which costs 50 power. So there is no way you could have gone tier 2 without a generator.

SM costs have been reduced, the chapel and tactical marines are cheaper now.

Cliffs: No

but yes they have made some changes to the way schemes are handled. Rather than being able to change eye colour, you can now change the "trim2" which is the arrow on the marine's right shoulder, which previously was always black.
Are you kidding me?
SM has been bumped significantly.
TSM squads now cost less and build faster, not to mention that for some inscrutable reason the devs also lowered the power cost of Dreadnoughts.
Both Chaos and SM can now mass marines incredibly fast, and SM can quickly field an alarming number of Dreads if you don't harass them to shit.

Orks are still shafted though; they have practically no anti vehicle, but they have had their melee ability revised (the AI now automatically seeks squads to engage in melee, meaning that a large mob of orks can tie down multiple squads and that dancing is a bit more difficult now), they can put out more things early game without having to build banners and the Stormboyz have been given a different armor type (they're heavy infantry now). It still doesn't compensate for their horrible lack of Tier 2 though; as soon as vehicles pop out they're dead, and SM and Chaos can just mass marines and bolters even easier now.

Haven't checked Eldar, but aside from the warp spiders doing less damage to orks, I don't think there's been that many changes.
I'm sad. I'm four hours away from home until the 21st so I miss two days of the expansion. I can't wait to try the new defensive minded Imperial Guard.
yeah sm has been buffed, chaos has been nurfed

stormboys have been changed to heavy infantry so orks finally get a counter to eldar warpspiders

Eldar have been slightly nerfed. Just little things like fof costing more and taking longer to research and some slight damage / accuracy reductions for some units.