Goodbye Atkins, Hello real food. :) Diet Advice Wanted.


Veteran XX
I'm a new man. I've gotten married, gotten a new job, and have lost 55 lbs on atkins. I've decided that now that I've lost some weight it's time to move on to the next stage. Plus I'm really fuckin sick of eggs for breakfast. ;)

Atkins was the first step to helping me to regain control of what I eat. Now i think I am ready to move onto a more balanced diet.

I'm probably going to focus on eating 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day consisting of whole foods. Fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts and light dairy. No sugar except natural sugars in fruit and veggies. Virtually no processed food. I also plan to drink about 2 liters of water a day.

I'm still a pretty big guy and have a lot of weight left to loose but I think i'm going to shoot for 2000 calories a day. I'm currently 5'11 and 305, down from 360

Is 2000 too low to start with?

I don't want to put my body into starvation mode right out of the gate.

I will also be riding the stationary bike for 30 mins a day. Anyone have any sites with good recipes for this style of eating, or have any general tips?

Thanks for the advice. :)
Geez - what do you figure, you have another 100+ pounds to lose? Are you sure it's time to "slow down"?
2000 seems a little low, you might end up being really hungry after a few days.

if you can try the elliptical instead of the bike, you burn like twice as much cals on that thing.

and congrats on dropping the lbs. diet and exercise is the best advice anyone can give you. stretch a lot, you'll be surprised how limber you can get after a few weeks of daily exercise/stretching.
you should drink more than half a gallon of water a day. Keep a nalgene of ice water constantly with you and just keep drinking.

DEFINATELY need more than 2000cal/day

I'm 190 and drink a couple gallons of ice water a day, it's a nice help with my "passive dieting" (as some of my friends have called it)
Zulu said:
Geez - what do you figure, you have another 100+ pounds to lose? Are you sure it's time to "slow down"?

I'm not slowing down, just changing the foods I eat. Atkins was never meant to be a long term thing. It was meant to help me loose weight enough weight so I could exercise regularly without having a heart attack.

Atkins has brought my blood pressure down to normal levels, and my cholestorol down as well. It was just the begining, now i'm ready for more long term solutions.
Reno said:
you should drink more than half a gallon of water a day. Keep a nalgene of ice water constantly with you and just keep drinking.

DEFINATELY need more than 2000cal/day

I'm 190 and drink a couple gallons of ice water a day, it's a nice help with my "passive dieting" (as some of my friends have called it)

what are we talking then, 2.5k? 3k?.

I will look into getting one of those bottles and increasing my h20 consumption. :)
i'm 165lbs and eating 4500calories/day just for maintenance right now

find your maintenance level then slowly decrease the number of calories by 250 or so until you stop losing weight, then decrease by another 250 etc . .. .
Fatman said:
what are we talking then, 2.5k? 3k?.

I will look into getting one of those bottles and increasing my h20 consumption. :)
I dunno how many calories, there's calculators online for it.
Try walking every chance you get. Don't look for the nearest parking spot, park far away. Take the stairs instead of an elevator. Every little bit helps to burn calories and raise your metabolism. Also, if you're craving fried foods like chips, opt for the baked ones (but don't over do it they still have calories.) Baked cheetos are awesome. Careful though, they're addictive. Try substituting ground turkey in recipes instead of ground beef. It sounds like you have the right idea, exercise and lots of fruit and veggies. Good luck.
oh yeah, something that's been helping me recently

think before you eat. if you want to eat something, ask yourself if you're actually hungry, and then if you are, eat but have a small portion.
Even though it's usually a 'woman' thing...don't be afraid to get into a structured diet program like Weightwatchers or something similar.
I eat the shit that makes since to eat. Fad dieting never works. I eat all vegtables, bran cereal, fruit, water, diet soda, turkey chicken etc.

I eat no fast food unless I eat 1 hamburger and a salad and diet drink.

I eat raisin bran and fruit in the morning with no orange juice (to much sugar)

Lunch: I eat tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, turkey or chicken, no bread, cottage cheese ect

Dinner: Half a baked potato more vegables turkey or chicken, corn, fruit

I just make sure I get all the fiber and the water I need so the junk is not sitting in my system absorbing into fat or waiting to turn into colon cancer.

6'5 225

I have had to teach myself how to eat healthy over the last few years. I used to eat all junk and I got pudgy.
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K-Rex said:
Even though it's usually a 'woman' thing...don't be afraid to get into a structured diet program like Weightwatchers or something similar.
yeah, he might even be able to meet women with low self esteem at one of those things

and I just thought of something: metamucil

go get a tub of metamucil (sugar free) at costco, and take it after every meal, especially greasy ones. you have no idea how great it is.
ummm, if you truly understood the atkins diet, you would know that it becomes balanced after the initial "omglowcarbs" phase. if all you did was limit your carb intake, thats not the atkins diet.

so many ppl think the atkins diet preaches low carbs for 100% of the diet. the truth is that the "<20 grams of carbs a day" is about 1% of the diet if you follow the diet according to dr. atkins plan. read the book and understand the diet before you go looking for "the next best thing".

regardless, congratulations on your weight loss. believe me i know how good it feels. i dropped 65lbs about 3 years ago and have kept the weight off. feels fucking great. keep up the good work.
if you go bike, make sure you push yourself constantly just enough so its a tad difficult to keep a conversation. 30 mins a day probably isnt enogugh tho

buit i still have a belly so whatever i dont know i dont do enough cardio
Atkins is a horrid puts your body into acidosis when you cut out the carbs (energy)...and the weight you lose is muscle is VERY bad for your heart...thats why atkins dieters have a higher incidence of myocardial infarctions.

if you really want to lose weight you should eat 1500-1800 calories per day...and have 60% of those be from fresh veggies, raw or steamed, and 30% from fresh fruits...meat in only one meal durring your day and not the last meal, also eat 6 times a day small portions...

then exercise at least 15 mins per day to start after a week increase to 20, after another week increase to 3, after another week increase to 45 mins...keep that up and you'll lose as much weight as you want and you'll keep it off and be feeling great