The Watchmen


Veteran XV
"Who watches the Watchmen...dun dun dun!"

Can anyone tell me if this is any good?

I looked up some information on it after they said they were making a movie, but then the studio dropped it. Is anyone else picking it up?
It's one of the best graphic novels of all time, though if you go in expecting a really quick comic book plot and a lot of action, you might be disappointed. It's pretty thick, and takes a while to read. But if you like the genre and are a patient reader, I would say it's more than worth it to pick it up.

There's no way they could possibly make the whole thing into one movie and attempt to capture everything that makes the graphic novel so good. Terry Gilliam tried adapting it years ago and said it was onlly possible if it was done in a 12 part miniseries, but even then things won't transfer over so well from the book to the screen.

Edit: and I haven't heard anything about the movie being picked up since Paramount pulled the plug last month.
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pilate pretty much covered it.

it's good. but it's far from standard fare. on the back of my TPB edition it lists a review as saying "Watchmen is peerless!"

and it's true. you really can't compare watchmen to anything else.
Also, there are a lot of white people in the comic, and only a handful of black people, and some of them are protrayed negatively. It's not for you, really.
that's not really true logroller. A colored man plays essentially the most important role in the comic.
Also note that he is light blue, not dark blue, therefore you can construe that this book preaches the superiority of light skinned individuals.
I liked it quite a bit, although I did find the subplot with the whole pirate comic thing to just feel out of place.
read the first two panels and brought it back to the library.
disliked the old comic style very much, guess I'm shallow =)
easily one of the best mini series ever IMO, certainly worth buying the compilation (or the individual issues if you can)