A comic from the creator of Earth Worm Jim


Veteran XX

His site/blog:


Thread he posted in:


He made the char, the cedit for the games goes to David Perry. Anyone have a link to EWJ cartoons? I taped all of the 1st season but never saw the 2nd.

Avocdo Joe gets it (the only one...how did you get so intelligent compared to a jackass like sameoldshit...who earns his name. As for this problem

But I agree that the comparison is an inaccurate one, as the eggs he ate were those of endangered species. If there was a nuclear apocalypse with just 500 people left alive on Earth, abortions might be more frowned upon.

Tom said it best here:Quote:

the fact that it was endangered eggs was just a way to express a feeling of loss and importance to the ones who care. if it was chickens, no one would care, but the eggs are those of birds seen as significant, much like to people who like letting babies live, the babies are important

I made the comic in response to an article I read at the Ayn Rand institute where a bunch of pro-lifers were ridiculed as fundamentalists for claiming unborn human fetuses were human. The goal is to make the person who cares for the unborn look stupid for thinking that the fetus will develop into the normal adult it is genetically predisposed to become.

The juxtapose of eggs being endangered species only points out how the same "progressives" who call zealots retarded for knowing what a human fetus will become, will do the same thing when divining what a condor fetus will become.

On another note, observe how the Orwellian has once again, come true...unborn condors have more value than unborn humans. Scary times



baronsidekick wrote:
Clever comics... But those analogies are flawed.

Your commentary on abortion debases pro-choicers the same way pro-choicers might accuse pro-lifers as being religious fundamentalists. It's an artificial way to strengthen your argument.

I'm not strengthening what you think I am. You're actually making my point, I'm hoping to take away the genetic fallacy on both sides (but only one side uses it).

Eating a fetus of a condor is not equivalent to aborting the fetus of a human child.
You are saying that humanity values an unborn condor because it is endangered, and imply that humanity places no value in an unborn child presumably because we are "overpopulated"? I don't think anyone makes the choice of abortion for population control.

No, I'm saying that humanity knows that a clump of cells is actually a future living being. They believe this about the condor then pretend not to when it comes to humans. People largely make abortion decisions out of convenience...but the argument still applies..."it's a human life." to claim it isn't is like eating a condor egg because it's just an egg.

Or are you stating that the issue of killing an unborn condor is in today's society a more controvercial matter than abortion? ... If that's what you are saying, I must disagree. In recent times, doctors have been killed over the issue of abortion, but I haven't heard of anyone dying for a bird's egg.

This is not what I was arguing but you're argument is still hard to swallow. Some doctors have been killed by individuals but society has jailed and fined people for poaching nests. You'll go to jail for building a house on the breeding grounds of the California Gnat-Catcher, but you'll get funding from the city if you want an abortion.

I think your comics are hard hitting because they push the issue into the realm of ridiculous. But that is not where these issues lie.

It's only ridiculous because I'm presenting the side that you don't hear in mainstream media. I hear the argument every day from people who support ESCR who say, "It's just a clump of cells and only a religious nut would call it human life."
This is the article that inspired the comic, which is no more ridiculous than the argument that is made in the article...only their serious, and I would never actually make the Condor egg argument because it's retarded thinking:

Earthworm Jim though: Will the tv series ever be released on DVD?

I don't have a say in the DVD release...I wouldn't make a dime if they did make them so it's not on top of my list of things to push for. It would be neat.

Theres alot more, it's a 13 pg thread and most of his posts are fairly long and frequent. Im posting this cause im a big EWJ fan. EWJ is about my favorate 16 bit game ever. This colored text is Reggs

This thread shold have reached 2 pages already because earth worm jim is in the title. Whats wrong with you guys?