God what is wrong with Britian?

orbital 123

Veteran XX
WTF? The british government forcing people to purchase identity cards at 200 a pop, and then selling your personal information to private companies? God what a bunch of fucking tools. The more I read about Britian the more I am glad I don't live there, they don't seem to understand the ideas of privacy and freedom.
A REPORT in today's Independent on Sunday claims that the UK government will attempt to subsidise its controversial plan to make us all carry identity cards by selling our data for £750 a throw.

According to the newspaper, government ministers have already entered discussions with private firms to flog our data in a bid to defray some of the billions the madcap scheme will cost.

Representatives of the UK government recently said that one of the major purposes of the ID card plan was to protect us all from identity theft. Naturally that pre-supposes that we have an identity to steal, rather unlikely if our data is being sold to grocers and other trades people.

Despite warnings from a phalanx of third party observers which oppose the plans on a number of grounds, the government is attempting to push ahead with the scheme, even though we'll all have to pay £200 or so for the dubious privilege of being forced to carry them.

The dangers of such a database in the hands of third parties, or even worse being breached and the data stolen, doesn't seem to worry the government, with a vote slated for this coming Tuesday.

The Independent on Sunday story is here. Perhaps it's time for more of us to move offshore to other European countries which have a clearer idea of what personal freedom is. µ
has this man ever attended a LAN party? even a fan of Tribes? even a fucking fan of PC games? why not banned? :(
canada (population: orbital) having a go at the UK?

may I remind you, for starters, that we ownzors canada, and that we have alot more going for us than your home country. Our government is doing very well, and changes are being made - we see them all around us, we do not need to read an article to be told of new developments. Actually go to Britain, you'll see it's a nice place ^_^

oh, and theres free Health Care ;)
Sascha said:
has this man ever attended a LAN party? even a fan of Tribes? even a fucking fan of PC games? why not banned? :(

I saw him in a surf server on CSS about a day ago when I was smurfing but he left before I got in.

His CSS name starts with an..."R"

Am I rit??
I'm not really against or for orbital but it seems like now that hating on him is like something you agree to when you sign up for TW. 90% of the people in this thread don't even know why people started hating orbital.
Reggs said:
I saw him in a surf server on CSS about a day ago when I was smurfing but he left before I got in.

His CSS name starts with an..."R"

Am I rit??

No, I don't go by any name starting with R in CS:S and I haven't played CS:S in a couple of weeks. Been busy playing gta:sa.
I resent this thread. I didn't vote for our shitty government.

The popular opinion regarding ID cards over here is that nobody wants them.
SharpShooter said:
I'm not really against or for orbital but it seems like now that hating on him is like something you agree to when you sign up for TW. 90% of the people in this thread don't even know why people started hating orbital.

this is true and pretty sad tbh. not so much for orbital, but for all the people trying their best to 'fit in' by going along with the status quo