JEW NEWS: Jewish family extorts $1.25 million from New York City in frivolous lawsuit


Veteran X

19:19 Jun 19, '05 / 12 Sivan 5765

( New York City will pay $1.25 million to settle a court case brought by the family of a Yankel Rosenbaum, a Chabad-Lubavitch yeshiva student murdered by a group of black men shouting "Get the Jew!" during the Crown Heights riots in 1991.

Rosenbaum's family claimed that Kings County Hospital Center was negligent in failing to detect a four-inch stab wound for more than an hour, an oversight that caused his death less than 24 hours after he was attacked.

"It's an important development today that they accepted responsibility," Rosenbaum's older brother, Norman Rosenbaum told the Associated Press. "The loss is in no way diminished. The pain remains."
real extortion there
the fuck do you miss a 4" stab wound?

What's this hole?

Oh I don't know bob, looks like a built in pocket to me
it's extortion because if this was some fucking greaseball italian who got shanked it wouldn't have cost the city a dime

now in this situation you have jews involved and big surprise: the city is paying a settlement worth over a million dollars

your tax dollars hard at work...filling the coffers of the nation's jew lawyers
are you also glad that you're a 25 year old virgin who lives a busy life of juggling such tasks as
- running to walgreens to get diapers for your grandma
- working an unpaid job sitting on irc for hours a day banning people you don't like
- bragging about your extensive pornography collection on internet forums
- masturbating
- bragging about working an unpaid job sitting on irc for hours a day banning people you don't like
Nido said:
are you also glad that you're a 25 year old virgin who lives a busy life of juggling such tasks as
- running to walgreens to get diapers for your grandma
- working an unpaid job sitting on irc for hours a day banning people you don't like
- bragging about your extensive pornography collection on internet forums
- masturbating
- bragging about working an unpaid job sitting on irc for hours a day banning people you don't like
Its ok, because you are banned from IRC. Anything that you can possibly say can not compare to the fact that you are not allowed on IRC ever again. It's great. Joy to the world. Free drinks for everyone!
isn't that what you said 5 months ago or however long you've been holding this internet grudge

hasn't really stopped me from getting on irc pretty much whenever i want

go feed your cats faggot