Who Gets More Alien Pussy? Kirk or Ryker?


Veteran X
Sorry ladies. Inspired by the Twi'lek discussion.

I figure this will be another opportunity to tell Data that the droid plays the vulcan flesh flute.
Hmm.. Kirk seemed to get the ladies more frequently, but TNG went for a lot longer, and with the bigger budget for makeup, they had a lot more 'aliens'.

Tough call.
Holodeck is an important technological advantage for ryker I think.


Don't ask me to spell CHOC O TAY.
James Tiberious Fucking Kirk!!!

All he did was fuck alien chicks, a different one every week.

Riker got tied down to Deanna Troi.
Kirk was known for being the cocksmith

Riker fucked androgenous aliens

Picard was more of a stud then number one by far
WarAngel said:
James Tiberious Fucking Kirk!!!

Riker got tied down to Deanna Troi.

ha ha this might be the best argument so far unless you could argue that Riker isn't monogomous.
Let's see...
Kirk pretty much nailed something in every episode, human and alien. Riker was only shown to be with 4 aliens (+1 holobitch), though his exploits were often inferred.

Tough call, but I'm going with Kirk.