tell me what happens in the last 5 minutes of star wars


Veteran XX
the projector in the theater i was in broke 5 minutes before the end. the nerds were up in arms!!! lots of passive agressive shit was going on!!! so anyways what happens in a nut shell thanks

edit: it stopped while vader was getting his helmet put on
can someone explain what yoda meant when:
millertime said:
can someone explain what yoda meant when:

LostDuck said:
but lucas of course cut it out
and he cut out a scene with ling bai as a kickass jedi assassin or something
it was all wrap up stuff flyers. twins being born, discussion and descision on what to do with them, and the handing of them off to their new parents.

I think Luke should have turned to the dark side once he found all this stuff out years later.
Luke Skywalker said:
So let me get this straight. My sister gets sent to Alderaan with beautiful scenery, loving / rich parents, and running water. I get a fucking hut in the desert, with a bitchy uncle and zero chance of getting laid without a 7 hour speeder ride to civilization?!?! DIE MOTHER FUCKER)#*)($)#(*$