What's for lunch?

My unit is barbequeing burgers and hot dogs like they do every Thursday in the summer. Hoo-rah Air Force.
good question. 30 mins till i go find something

my choices are

a sub from potbellys.....okay subs...dirt cheap (3.89)
lebbenese tavern - good food from the middle east...i eat their too often though
noodle place - expensive, and not very good noodle dishes
baja fresh - just ate there 2 days ago
whole foods - might go get sushi there today, or maybe a spinach salad
soho - weighed food buffet type place. okay but they always have the same crap
chinese - actually i'm thinking abou this today.... $5 for 3 items + a canned soda...not bad.
i am in the same dilemma...hungry but not sure what to eat.

probably go with some pasta cause it is easy and i am lazy.