I need TEEDUBS fashion advice


Veteran XX
A) Black pants with black blazer with white shirt and red tie


B) White collar shirt with brown tie with brown vest jacket thingy with tan pants
A sounds conservative. B sounds more casual. I'd of course go with B, but I guess it depends on the ocassion.
I'm partial to brown and tan, so I'd go with B, unless it seems
too casual. I'm not really sure what a brown vest jacket thingy is.
Black blazer, white shirt, and red tie = no.

The red is too flamboyant without the right shirt and the white dress shirt won't temper it.
scythebearer said:
what's the occasion?

My friend is a lead singer of "brit rock" band here and he dresses like a british rock star (think T.Rex, not Elton John). So I went to the thrift store and got an outfit just like his (I dress nothing like that at all) and I'm going to dress up like tonight at his show.

Not really a brit rock band, but more of an Interpol mixed with Hot Hot Heat kind of Power-Pop. Still a pretty decent band if your into the stuff.

Tres Bien!

Yeah thats about it.