Camcorder: miniDV or mini-DVD?

are the quality of these mini-dvd recorders that great? Ive seen some of the output (not neccessarily from these models) and they looked like ass and were all pixelated and shit.
depends.. are u shooting stuff for fun.. or are u looking for a serious camcorder?
if serious, go Panasonic DVC30 and up which is minidv (all prosumer cameras are minidv)
I read a review in a camera mag. that said that the image quality of the mini-DVDs are bad. Something about it having to encode the mpeg onto the disc too fast. Stick with mini-DV.
A friend who is into video told me that with DVD, you are recording with compression - if you need to edit, the video gets re-compressed when you are done and the double compression looks bad.

MiniDV is not compressed so it looks better when you put it on DVD and you can edit it in pure digital without quality loss.
i wouldn't get either of those, you can get a great miniDV cam for about 1000 bux. miniDVD i'd stay FAR away from. you might wanna check out this camera...

i think the GS400 is prolly the best consumer video camera. it's worth a read at least. however i'm sure the 250 is a great! Panasonic is really the best for miniDV right now imo. or the other option is to see how cheap you can get a used Canon GL1 on Ebay, those cameras are SICK and they prolly cost less then a grand now. if you can get a GL1 on ebay for cheap, that would be hard to pass up. (yummy. we used this camera alot to record behind the scene stuff when i shot a feature on a highly modified a DVX100A, and it is great with image stabilization and has a very warm picture).

Shot on GL1

OR you could get my next camera!
Panasonic HVX100 (one camera to rule them ALL)
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Magus said:
i wouldn't get either of those, you can get a great miniDV cam for about 1000 bux. miniDVD i'd stay FAR away from. you might wanna check out this camera...

i think the GS400 is prolly the best consumer video camera. it's worth a read at least. however i'm sure the 250 is a great! Panasonic is really the best for miniDV right now imo. or the other option is to see how cheap you can get a used Canon GL1 on Ebay, those cameras are SICK and they prolly cost less then a grand now. if you can get a GL1 on ebay for cheap, that would be hard to pass up. (yummy. we used this camera alot to record behind the scene stuff when i shot a feature on a highly modified a DVX100A, and it is great with image stabilization and has a very warm picture).

Shot on GL1

OR you could get my next camera!
Panasonic HVX100 (one camera to rule them ALL)
That last one is certainly nice, but I'm looking for something to record my daughter's tball games and the pending birth of my son, not SW:EP4. ;)

Thanks for all the info. miniDV it is!
I have a sony DCTRV 27 i think and i love it.

Go with MiniDV, but i think you can get better cameras for a grand, see post above. I love my sony so id prolly stick with them again
yea. i guess i'm not the best person to ask about consumer cams but i love the GS400, the whole GS line of cameras. panasonic puts nice lieca lenses on everything and they are just really dedicated right now to their video consumer base. sony makes great cameras, i can't forgive them though for their most recent fore' into HDV. such a stupid direction to go in.

either way sony and panasonic and canon and jvc are the 4 big companies, my personel preference is Panasonic.
Suck my 3 chip
I've got a Canon Optura 20.... Its a miniDV, works fucking fantastic.

I would say go miniDV, the benefits of the miniDVD's just don't out weight the downsides.