What are you doing this weekend?


Veteran XX
Tonight: Work, then exercise, then eat bad food. I'm treating myself for a good week.

Saturday: On call in the morning. Try to get some rewiring stuff done in the house and watch all of episodes of The Ultimate Fighter I downloaded. Dynasty Warriors and alcohol following.

Sunday: Go to a movie, maybe hang out with a friend, make time for deadwood. Yeah, I'm a wild man.
Tonight: Volunteering at the hospital for 3 hours then getting home and my girlfriend's coming over.

Saturday: Probably play some Counter Strike Souce then my Girlfriend will probably come over again.

Sunday: Going 4-wheeling with my family.
Tomorrow, girlfriend wanted to do something(didn't really listen that carefully)

besides that, nothing planned really
working on a painting for school.

My fiance's best frend will be up for the weekend so probably avoiding girl talk as well.;)
Well tonight is Mad Hatter theme party downstairs for two of my neighbors bday parties. Kegs + shots + sex(crosses fingers). Tommorow working from 11am-9pm working sunday 10:30am-? And studying for my tests next week, and enjoying the fact that I have the last 3 days of classes for this semester next week :)
tonight chilling with beer at the neighbors, tomorrow-working in the front yard, sunday-banging my fiancee 2x and going to baseball game
tonight : sahara/dinner with gf
tomorrow : contracting and some self-study in programming theory
sunday : dinner bday and some weekend work, and t:v vid filming :)
tonight: getting tore up
tommorow: either sum 41 concert or going to some parties/tore up
sunday: recovering/studying
Last night: Yard dogs road show, fucking incredible late 19th century style circus act and burlesque show
Tonight: Date, open mic at a coffee house, hopefully it won't suck
Tomorrow: Date (someone else) american visionary art museum, not sure what else.
Tonight: Staying at home with the gf, watch some movies or something, then fuck till 4 am
Tommorow: Go out to walmart to whore my wallet some more on DVDs and/or ROTS merchandise, then gaming that evening with the gf
Sunday: Dont fucking plan that far ahead, so i dunno