[Military] Does the G.I. Bill deliver? and NSFW [PICS]

Darmok & Jalad

Veteran XX
i'm hoping i can get some military people to respond... As I have a few questions for them. :)

The recruiter told me that I would get $36,000 for college after my 4 years of active service.. He went on to say, if i'm already in school and paying for it, that cash i get from the bill is mine to keep and spend how i PLEASE... That would be an extra $1000 of spending cash, which seems fucking awesome...

He told me that every class, book, whatever was paid for while i was in the army too.

Also, how hard is it to take classes while you're actually in the army? They say you can earn a 4 year bachelor's degree... That seems like it would be pretty difficult.

The job i'm looking at is MOS 25B, or Information Technology Specialist. I was told that i would get my mcse and my ccna for this job. Seems like i could transfer over to a civilian quite easily.

It this all true, or is he just trying to fill his quota?


this is probably NSFW
so is this
not work safe
gallery of last girl
He is a lieing bastard. Just like most recruiters.

If you are in school FULL TIME after you become eligible you receive a monthly payment of something like $750 (may have went up since I got out in 2000) to cover school/books/room etc.

While you are in you can use the college fund to pay for classes. Its a real pain in the ass to do and usually easier to use "Education assistance" that will pay for 75% of the course with little hassle.

Talk to another recruiter about it and then call the MEPP station and ask someone there or just google it and read to your hearts content.

Oh yeah...and trying to get a security clearance with a name like "Commy bastard" isn't going to be easy...and yes they WILL find out about it....
I'm in the guard, and just got my gibill rolling, they fucked up my paperwork and aren't paying me my kicker yet, but for the most part, yeah, they pay as long as you do all the paperwork, and there's a lot.
Keeper said:
He is a lieing bastard. Just like most recruiters.

If you are in school FULL TIME after you become eligible you receive a monthly payment of something like $750 (may have went up since I got out in 2000) to cover school/books/room etc.

While you are in you can use the college fund to pay for classes. Its a real pain in the ass to do and usually easier to use "Education assistance" that will pay for 75% of the course with little hassle.

Talk to another recruiter about it and then call the MEPP station and ask someone there or just google it and read to your hearts content.


omg keeper <3<3<3<3<3<3

p.s. i am joining air guard

i get tuition reimbursement through the state (like $1800 a semester for me), + the "GI Bill" and "GI Bill Kicker", + guard pay for being in the air guard (still gotta go through the same basic and tech school as active duty air force tho), I get about $200 for being in the guard a month (1 weekend a month stuff), and about, and about $550-575 for the GI bill a month and the kicker, so it all works out pretty decent. Uncle has been in the air guard for I think 20 years now, and hes loved every moment of it, and the guys here (according to him, who wouldn't bullshit me) never get shipped off unless the volunteer (and you aren't pressured to volunteer). Its entirely a refueling wing, nothing combat related except refueling the jets in mid air. The few guys who go over to Kuwait etc sit around doing nothing for 2 months, and come back with a service medal.

Look into programs the state also might offer :)
CommyBastard said:
so he seems pretty legit then?

He is telling you about 50%. Find the other 50% out before you decide. They are like used car salesmen. They will show you all the good things while glossing over the rusting frame or ticking engine.

Just do some more research. The Army's website has alot of info and like I said there is a huge amount of info around if you just use google.
i get the gi bill currently. I get paid 803 a month to attend college full time. They send me a check, I can spend it on whatever I like.

I didn't even have to be in the military to get it.
My dad died from a rare form of cancer from being exposed to agent orange back in nam.
They're survivor benefits, but are considered part of the GI Bill.

If it wasn't for this money i never would have been able to go back to school to get a degree. I graduate in may :)

one bad thing about them is that they count as income when the state and government calculates how much financial aid you get. That has left me a bit short a few semesters.
yes the check goes to you not your school you can do what you want with it..... also while you are in take classes they will pay for 75% of them
Fyre Knight said:
I'm in the guard, and just got my gibill rolling, they fucked up my paperwork and aren't paying me my kicker yet, but for the most part, yeah, they pay as long as you do all the paperwork, and there's a lot.
Rest of series please.
I get 1150 a month. I did the gibill Plus where I payed 1800 instead of the usual 1200 and I get about 100 extra a month. I just got out to go to school full-time though, it was too hard on active duty. You can do it but it will take more than 4 years. You have to figure that your first year will be nothing but training and you won't be able to do shit. Then when you get to your first assignment you will have to go through more training, which for me was another year. Then I got sent to the middle east and then to europe and there just weren't a whole lot of educational resources in Europe or the time to get much done, especially if you work shift work.
folks....here is the real deal

GI Bill and the ACF (Army College Fund..if you get it) send the money directly to you

While you are on active duty you can take any undergraduate class and the Army will pay 100% of the tuition/books/labs UP TO $3500 a year. That is the CAP. This is absolutely true, because I am still using it.

Any class towards your Masters is on you though. My buddy got his last year.

The upside is while you are in, you can CLEP out classes for FREEEEEEEEEEEE

You can take classes and even have your military experience credited towards college credit. I got 32 from job experience (mostly electives). That means LESS TIME IN COLLEGE WHEN YOU GET OUT.

So you do 4 years...knock out...say...30 hours. You are now more mature and KNOW what you want to get a degree in. You can either use that GI Bill to pay for it or go for grants and scholarships...maybe even a student loan...and use the 1100+++ to live off so you do not have to get a part time JOB.

You graduate, you are <25, you have 4 years work experince that employers will KNOW means you can do a job, be at work on time, and are responsible. You have a degree and probably some leadership experience.

So....who is more marketable????? You or that 22 year old with the same degree and nothing but the experience of Mommy and Daddy taking care of him? See my point.

The down side is you might get deployed (like me) and get shot at.

Remember, the benefits are always there...people jsut have to USE them.

your mileage may vary

Oh...yeah...I am deploying in 24 days...and will still be taking classes from Iraq :)

How much will the military pay towards a graduate degree? I'm going to double major if the military is picking it up (halfway to poli sci degree now, picking up business admin), and want to go to law school post degrees, but they only pay the same amount?
CommyBastard said:
I'm hoping i can get some military people to respond... As I have a few questions for them. :)

The recruiter told me that I would get $36,000 for college after my 4 years of active service.. He went on to say, if I'm already in school and paying for it, that cash i get from the bill is mine to keep and spend how i PLEASE... That would be an extra $1000 of spending cash, which seems fucking awesome...

He told me that every class, book, whatever was paid for while i was in the army too.

Also, how hard is it to take classes while you're actually in the army? They say you can earn a 4 year bachelor's degree... That seems like it would be pretty difficult.

The job i'm looking at is MOS 25B, or Information Technology Specialist. I was told that i would get my mcse and my ccna for this job. Seems like i could transfer over to a civilian quite easily.

It this all true, or is he just trying to fill his quota?


this is probably NSFW
so is this
not work safe
gallery of last girl

Depends on where they station you....The Army has some good places that can give excellent training that goes toward both your Army career and give you college credit. You will have to do this part time as after you are assigned a MOS and given training and provided your unit is not activated you will have plenty of time to goto school while your in....I suggest you take as much as you can....The shit looks great on a resume.
Keeper said:
He is telling you about 50%. Find the other 50% out before you decide. They are like used car salesmen. They will show you all the good things while glossing over the rusting frame or ticking engine.

I would think the negatives in this deal is you are going to IRAQ....

Edit: I took classes while I was in the Army, with the tuition reimbursement thingy and I took a bunch of CLEP tests for free at the education center (for free)
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Its nearly impossible to take any collage classes while serving, and they aren't going to tell you how to do it. You need to find out exactly how to go about it BEFORE going in. Once your in thats it your screwed. My GIBill just ended I was getting $1008 a month.

Make sure you pass all of your courses with a 2.0 or better. If you get a single class less than 2.0 your payments will end.