It doesnt take a big man to knock somebody down

Say hey Johnny Boy the battle call
united we stand, divided we fall
together we are what we can't be alone
we came to this country you made it our home
Before you mock a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you're mocking him you're a mile away... and you have his shoes.

also Jack Handy, I believe.
If you kick a guy while he's down, it makes it easier for him to tech roll back to his feet. That's why you wanna mix up the mid attacks and the low sweeps on wake-up, so that you can start tricking that little bitch into a re-float.

...Sorry. That was my inner Tekken talking.
Ignorance is something you can't overcome

so you pass it on down and thats something much worse

a bitter young man has now taken the torch