So this episode of the simpsons sucks so far.

They at least were accurate in indicating that the interweb was for mocking retards... but they forgot about the porn; but 0/10 for funny so far
Golden years = 3-7

8 wasnt bad, had some good stuff
9 you could deffinetly see slipping, only had a couple of memorable episodes
10 was the beggining of the shit fest and I havent watched it since then (hard to believe season 10 started 6 years ago).
New simpsons episodes haven't made me laugh outl oud for a long time. Sure, they're mildly entertaining, but just not worth going out of my way to make sure I see them every Sunday anymore.
Yeah they have sucked for a long time but there is at least one or two laughable things in each episode at least.
jonah lived in the whale though,

ned flanders sure doesnt know that bible

or the writers really get a hard on by making the religious right look fanatical