to the best team in the history of t:v (z)

I feel so bad. I remember playing the demo and thinking "hey this is pretty damn good" and actually enjoying it. Then I totally forgot about it, the sequel to my favorite game of all time. I managed to go and pick it up for 25 bucks about 3 weeks ago, and since then I've played it for about 15-20 minutes. That really pisses me off.
5150 got zel, ares went to europe, i was fuckin biches and snakes left us for nuts who we then went ahead and beat

lets face it.. TV died because of z leaving

all vet 4's who are now no longer involved.
I'm waiting for the patch. Oh god, I hope this patch comes out soon. I havent played T:V since my last reformat. Mostly because I was to lazy to reinstall it. If they release the patch, I'll go play T:V again, otherwise, I'll probably just have the box sitting there with the other 30 game boxes.