[Official] Happy New Year's Thread (and post your resolutions)

Happy New Years!

I haven't made New Year's resolutions in probably twenty years, but this year I'm making two:

1) Get in better shape physically and mentally, to help me with
2) Pass the professional engineer's exam in April.
My plans for next year.

Purchase italian leather sofa from eurway for my living room.

Get 46" Samsung DLP

Get an awesome surround sound setup (Not sure what I'm getting just yet, but I'm buying the receiver and speakers seperately.

Get Voom service to compliment new HDTV

Purchase XBox and a few 720p games.

Get a rug. (Polished concrete flooring)

Get a coffee table

Get some more chairs

and other shit. :D
Boise is a decent town....I lived there back in the 80's. I went to Hillcrest Elementary, Joplin Middle School, and Lake Hazel J.H.
Good times.

Anyways, I'm quitting tobacco. This one's gonna be tough.
Quitting alcohol. This one is easy.
Going to the gym 3 times a week. This one should be easy.
I try to keep my resolutions resonable, so here it gos 1. hate ortibal 123456789, and 2. be more like Bad Mofo ,and Stone....2 will be harder to acheive than 1..............
~Stabilize (Mentally[better luck this year])
~Write more
~Play more music
~Take more pictures
~Draw more
~Be more social
~Get a tattoo