Why I hated the Jews

Why did the nazi party hate jews? Perhaps this is not the appropriate question! I think that a better question would ask why the entire world hated them. This is not bigotry or mindless anti-semitism. It is simply historical fact! Nearly every great civilization or society for the past two thousand years has for some reason found it necessary to remove the jews from their populations, whether it was deportation or extermination! The Romans slaughtered them wholesale with the rest of Jerusalem. The European tradition of anti semitism dates back to the crusades when jews where given the sword just as quickly as the muslims. Then came deportations and burnings during the inquisition in Spain, France, and Germany. More recently, of course, are the Russian pogroms and of course the "Holocaust". What baffles me is why no one ever asks what was found to be offensive and repulsive about the jews that motivated all of that "persecution". Well the answer is really quite simple. The jews are not the innocent and feeble little people we have all seen on made for TV specials and Speilberg films. The fact is that they have done things past and present that are the cause of virulent hatred. In the specific case of Germany in the first half of the 20th century, it is historical fact that during the Great War, members of the Zionist jewish elite bartered with England and promised to bring the United States into the war in exchange for Palestine. This is the root cause of the belief that the jews contributed to the defeat and subsequent economic rape of Germany in the post war years. During the depression and poverty in 1920's Germans anti-semetic sentiments were fueled even more by the free-masonry of the jewish merchants which consistently undermined the foundering economy and exploited the plight of the German working class. In the late 20's and early 30's they struck back with boycotts of jewish businesses. At that time the jewish world congress declared war on Germany in response, and called for world wide boycotts of German goods. This furthered the belief by many Germans (and Europeans) that the jews were traitors who sought only to elevate their own obscure minority. So it wasnt mindless hatred as the modern media would have you believe. I do not believe that these reasons as listed above is justification for genocide, but I for one am sick and tired of the jewish community acting as though they have no clue why anyone would ever hate them. There is always cause and effect concerning human actions and reactions. The "persecution" of the past two thousand years were not arbitrary acts of violence.
Join Date: 12-30-2004

oh and the jews be keepin us lithuanians down cuz they want to take over lithuania. Just ask my grandma.
Mr. Hitler said:
you guys really need to read this. Then you'll see it my way.
Every single race has done something terrible to every other race. Welcome to Earth, you retarded motherfucker.