So the next T:V Patch...


Veteran XX
IMO all they need is:

punkbuster/anticheat support
fix demos
fix tourney mode

limit grapple ammo to 5

game physics stay

what would you like to see
I'd like to see this thread moved to Tribes Talk. But until that happens...

1. Horses
2. Vehicles that carry barrels or a grav gun like weapon from HL2 that can carry barrels.

Pretty much make it HL2 and I'll buy it. Or you can add horses and that will be cool too. Maybe that pony concept image that never made it into the game?
[57th]cneal said:
I'd like to see this thread moved to Tribes Talk. But until that happens...

you know this is getting pretty bloody old... you might as well throw in a laptop comment while your at it.

never has there been a move tribes stuff to TT.. its purely tribes stuff only in TT. Tribes stuff can and is in GD.
Beren said:
you know this is getting pretty bloody old... you might as well throw in a laptop comment while your at it.

never has there been a move tribes stuff to TT.. its purely tribes stuff only in TT. Tribes stuff can and is in GD. said bloody :cat:
In my opinon we need some larger maps to play on, but I'm already working on that myself. :) I'm sure they won't release any new ones with the patch.
I agree that about the only gameplay changes that are needed are
- less grapple ammo
- bigger nade explosions (IMO)
- less fall damage.

other than that, clan creating needs to be made working, netcode needs improvements, demos, and fps fuckups could be fixed as well
ayzianboy said:
IMO all they need is:

punkbuster/anticheat support
fix demos
fix tourney mode

[strike]limit grapple ammo to 5[/strike] I'm a grapple whore, what can I say?

game physics stay

what would you like to see
Less fall damage
Working Tribe Tab
Better IRC integration.