What's the OFFICIAL (omfg) TW EQ2 server

GoD-Chry said:
EQ2 is for pussies.

No PvP? Why play a computer game if you aren't killing other people?

No PvP? How retarded.

WoW is bad enough for me. I prefer the wide open aspect of Shadowbane. Makes things interesting when you have to constantly be on the lookout for raiding parties.

For us we were the ones constantly raiding though. Nothing like picking up a couple million in a 1 hour raid.
I really loved SB, but it fucking sucked when you were trying to level as a R2 and some punk group of R7s would come and clean you of everything. Gah, was so frustrating. There was so much of that game that I loved and so much that I hated. :p

I plan on getting EQ2 though, hopefully soon.
Yeah, I can't take credit for it. It's an image that has been posted on here made by someone, probably not even from TW. But I loved the image so much I had to make a sig from it. :p
Some are on Mistmoore, others on Butcherblock. I'm on MM, but I would suggest not joining that server because it is crashing very frequently due to overcrowdedness. But I already have a level 16 with a shit ton of quests, I'm not moving. :-|
two words: No PvP.

Oh and the people toting that it will be up soon, yeah right. How long did it take Sony to put anything up "soon"? SWG took nearly a year to fix the combat system which was going to be released "soon" after launch, and half the classes are still literally broken and don't work. All of which would be fixed "soon" after launch. :|
oh, one question, do scouts get sow like rangers did in the first one? I'm thinking of going the ranger route and that'll be key.
Shadowbane looked like ass too.

EQ2, if it ever gets PvP, will probably have some gay ass 1v1 only arena bullshit.
PvP can be fun I suppose, but it just doesn't fit in the EQ series. I honestly don't care. Games can be equally fun co-op or pvp. I think WoW looks like ass, and plays like ass. It's just an mmorpg diablo :rolleyes: