Colosus CRUSH


Veteran XV
This obviously is not true because the forums are back up.

But here is an unedited IRC log from this morning; I'm giving you an inside look at furor that bubbles inside our fearless leader.


TW won't be coming back up. Since Razster thinks he can run a site better, I'm going to take the servers and Yogi is going to keep his code and Razster can create a better site.
:lol: if you guys only knew how much time Colosus, Yogi, Stink and Xionic put into this website.

If you dont like Tribalwar there is always Tribes Universe, Planet Tribes and another one I cant remember.
Every little whiny bitch who complains about TW hates it here...that is why they post here. Duh...

and :heart: to all the others. Yer lucky I don't have yer mugs to photoshop. :browsmile