It's official...


Veteran X
I suck at tribes after not having played it in so long.

loaded up the game for the first time and went to someplace called Mo Fo's Titty bar because I thought it an interesting name.

I have no idea what and where so I just ran around nakie trying to defend the flag and do some chasing.


I feel so naughty for not playing the last couple of years, so very naughty indeed.
I did kill a couple of people though...

I am going to play more later.

who wants to be on my buddy list :browsmile
Mofo's Titty Bar is probably one of the best pubs in T2.

It's always up and usually always has a decent amount of people in it. ;) Also there are not too many noobs that play on it. Its the only place on play on weekdays.
pocketgamer said:
Mofo's Titty Bar is probably one of the best pubs in T2.

It's always up and usually always has a decent amount of people in it. ;) Also there are not too many noobs that play on it. Its the only place on play on weekdays.
You're fucking fired.
Loco-Raider said:
You're fucking fired.

I don't know when you guys play, but in the middle of the day in Oregon, this is the only classis server I can find that doesn't have bots, and ontop of that, I can always find a few people on the opposing team that can put up a good fight with a disk or lance. ;)
I was expecting the announcement of a new amateur website. Oh well.

P.S. you find a job yet?
CMVDA said:
Women suck at video games :shrug:

you do realise that I have been playing tribes since before the first one came out and that I played on top teams, don't you?


I am a bit rusty but I was a pretty good ld

so how long have you been playing tribes mr cmvda ?

btw, I am going to go learn some new maps now, going to find some empty server and dink around.