
it never went well and never will go well. i heard someone on irc compare it to the new vietnam war. sounded like bullshit to me, but what do you guys think?
if by comparing it to the vietnam war they meant it never should have happened and was a total fuck up from the very beginning, and made america look stupid...

they were right
hey come on i thought that was a good post i'm waiting patiently to be flamed by the 'GOD BLESS AMERICA KILL ALL FOREIGNERS' crew :/
It doesn't say it was a fuckup. Remember these guys regularly will keep "women and children" types with them as a 'human shield' kind of thing. just because 3 children died doesn't mean we didn't hit the right target.
FngrBANG said:
Islamic terrorists have killed +1,000 non-Americans with their retarded fucked-up shenanigans!

There! Ya happy!?
Just bringing to peoples attention a breaking news story. Neither happy nor sad.