2012 Olympics


Veteran X
So where do you think they'll end up? London? Paris? New York? Madrid?

The other places that are up are: Rio de Janeiro, Istanbul, Leipzag (Germany), Moscow, and Havana (Cuba).

All the places sound cool, but NY just doesn't seem to have that Olympic-ish feeling to it. Too industrialized.

Naturally I don't want Paris to win, and there's no way Cuba is gonna win it, so really it's between Paris, London, Madrid and Moscow. Rio de Janeiro is a favorite (according to CNN), but I don't think they'll get it.
Didn't it already get decided? Maybe I'm thinking of 2008 or 2010, but I know my home town, Baltimore/Washington D.C. was in the running for awhile.
edit: yeah, Balt/Wash was in the running for awhile, but got knocked out a long time ago, before the Iraq War... Los Angeles Times article I skimmed claims it was because of the planning of the War that US (particularly the capitol) isn't being favored.

Said decision would be made Nov. 3... another place says July 2005.. whatev.
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