Game Virus!


Veteran XX

A mobile phone "virus" inside a pirated copy of a game called Mosquitos is roaming file-sharing and software download sites, say security experts.
The game only works on certain phones running on Symbian OS Series 60.

Once the illegally cracked game is installed a hidden program, called a Trojan, sends unauthorised SMS texts.

It only affects pirated copies of the game; early reports said it texted premium rate numbers, but this is not the case, security experts have said.

This comes months after the first mobile virus, Cabir, was created as a proof-of-concept. It was spread via Bluetooth and was harmless.

The Mosquito Trojan is malicious because it fires off text messages without the user's consent while the unlicensed game is being played.

Confusion caused

But, confusingly, it has emerged that the Trojan was in fact not added by the group that pirated the game.