Using Command Prompt.....


Veteran X
I want to be able to copy everything in C:/ to I:/

C is a failed windows drive
I is a network mounted drive

thins that dont work:
copy C:/ I:/
copy C:* I: (just copies items in C:/ not folders)
copy C:/* I:/
copy C:/*.* I:/
copy C:/*/ I:

anyone got an idea?
windows dead, just booted into prompt real quick, but couldnt remember the friggen right command (backing up files then reimaging the laptop)

thanks war
Data said:
Please explain this statement.

His windows is borked, he booted to command prompt to copy files of the system partition to a network drive/ partition, then will reimage the pc which will recreate the logical drive, thus wiping all data.


NM, he got it ;p