TribalWars Pictures


Pain In The Ass5
Veteran X

To: TribalWar Community
From: MistarItalian
Date: July 22, 2004
Subject: TW Pictures

Hello TW Community,
I have made another thread regarding this topic, but I wanted it to be a little more formal for a stickie :). Anyway, I am hosting pictures at There is an east and a west folder in that directory for pictures. If you have videos you would like to upload, PM me on here or in IRC for FTP info. If you just have pictures, ZIP them and send them to [strike]Pictures will be named according to their description[/strike] (I was gonna do this, but I wasn't there, so I don't know who everone is). If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread or PM me. Thanks :)

UPDATE: (7-26 11:24 AM CST) I'm once again up to date with uploading pictures. Fell free to send any more over and I'll upload them. Remember to include your nick and tw location in the email :)
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leaving in less then 2 hours for the <1hr drive there.

wtf? why cant i post in here :/
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not that I don't appreciate the host b/c believe me I think it's awesome, but shouldn't TW or one of it's TWS sponsers handle this?