[TWS] Another New Sponsor: Creative!


Veteran XX
Why do we keep adding sponsors? BECAUSE TRIBAL WARS 2004 PEOPLE ROCK! Direct from the Tribal Wars site:


I'd like to welcome Creative to our list of sponsors. A few years back, we had them as guests for UVALAN 2, and it was a wonderful time. This year, they're sending a full team of people in to each location, complete with a demo booth for your enjoyment. They'll be demoing their cool input devices and I bet you they'll probably have the best sound system there, bar none. Thanks Creative!

Prizes are being split proportionally. There's about 170 west and 354 east, so west gets about a third of the prizes, except in the case of the tourney winnings, which are split per team.
very cool

good fucking job on getting TWS to the gaming public.

waaaaaait, prizes, meaning raffle ones right?. But other then that and the tourney(s)... how else are u givin out prizes.

and holy fuck its only a week away. dear god.