The Cinema


Veteran XV
saw some movies lately...

Dawn of the Dead
normally i don't give a shit for horror movies. the characters are unrealistic and the situations are almost always unbelievable. you get to the point in most horror movies that you hope the characters die because they are so stupid that they DESERVE to die. if i just want to see mindless gore and killing i'd watch Dead Alive. Anyway, back to DotD.

DotD is actually a pretty good movie. granted i liked the original made in the 70's because it did a great job at making everything have an eerie, atmospheric feel to it. we all know its about dead people walking the earth in what could be the beginning of the end for mankind. the film keeps a good amount of suspense going throughout so you don't get pissed. above all else, and most importantly, the majority of the characters make good decisions. they actually react realistically to their situation, for the most part. they don't shitfit and fall down whenever they are running away from bad things. that in itself is worth 1209384750238475 points. not going to give much detail here, no sense in ruining it for you if you haven't seen it. listen to Maddox though, go see it.

The Punisher
naturally i loved the 80's B movie starring Dolph Lundgren as the Punisher because i was like 8 when i saw it and everything he did was awesome, since i was eight and all cuss words were cool then. PLUS, dolph heals a wound by heating a knife up and burning the wound shut. doesnt get much awesomer than that.

as for the NEW Punisher film, it's OK. the action is good, the guy playing Punisher is good, and he has some cool killing scenes. however, too many corny lines and bad jokes detract from the feel Punisher movies should have, which is dark. Punisher is always pissed, he doesnt have time to talk to girls and shit. that's lame. he's gotta go shoot some perverts and drug dealers. also, he doesnt say gay lines because he saves all the cool stuff for when he tells bad guys he's about to kill them. if you're a punisher fan then you should go watch. otherwise, it's not some end all action flick.

they need to stop fucking around and make a crossover Marvel movie where Punisher meets Spiderman meets Wolverine which is doable considering the current film releases. add in Ghost Rider and you've brought the 0wn4g3.
ok even though this is very old . . .

I liked the new DotD but I didnt like the fact that the zombies RAN. Zombies should always stumble IMHO. I just do not buy the zombie's running thing, doesn't have the right feel.

if you like that movie you should really check out "The Walking Dead" series by Image comics. #9 should be out in a week or so.( was supposed to be out last week but got pushed back)

July 21 #9 July 28 #10 apparently now in case you cared
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