Quake is still the most fun DM FPS I've ever played.


Veteran XX
All the chaos and intensity that that game still has is unreal. They way the bodies fly and the death screams. Yeah.
Quake 1 was the best FPS intil UT2004 came out.Q1 was a blast to play that damn game held my attention for years. Great game.
Me and my 2 bros played it yesterday, and haven't had that much fun or laughed so hard in an FPS for a long time.
Yep. I own all my co-workers in Quake. About 6 of us play for an hour after 5PM on Fridays, and afterwards we run fragistics just so everyone can see how badly i kicked their asses. ;)
-]DoW[-RedDeath said:
that's kinda like saying people that love to play checkers live too far in the past

Not really. Quake1, while it was a good game, is very very dated, as far as FPS go. Checkers is a whole lot different.