HooMan Read (FIFA related)


Veteran X
Ok, well this guy I know is putting together a FIFA team for WCG. When he said that I thought of you. I don't know if you are sponsored but they have full sponsorship which includes travel, hotel and all that garbage. I just wanted to see if you were interested because he is lookin for players.

Edit: Anyone have a link to last years brackets?
Colosus said:
E-mail, PM, Phone, Smoke signals, carrier pigeon... You have so many options. Why break a simple rule that says DO NOT USE THE FORUMS TO TRY AND CONTACT PEOPLE FOR PRIVATE MESSAGES?
Moneyshot dosen't accept private messages lol.... get me in irc anytime, im normally on gamesurge #tsn

I can't find you, sounds intresting. I am going to compete again this year, and i am going to win.
Is FIFA fun online? I'm looking for a new sports game to play online and I don't think online baseball would be very fun online and I already played out Madden 2004.
i beat hoo man the other day but he probably doesn't remember. That score was like 2 billion (me) to 0 (him).

I rock at FIFA
FIFA demonstrates EA's endless ability to pretend to care about making a good game based on soccer. Truthfully they don't give 2 shits about the quality of the title, because the licenses EA has locked up along with endorsements sell the game no matter how shitty it is.
RenGen said:
FIFA demonstrates EA's endless ability to pretend to care about making a good game based on soccer. Truthfully they don't give 2 shits about the quality of the title, because the licenses EA has locked up along with endorsements sell the game no matter how shitty it is.


buy winning eleven 7, grab a saved game that has all the teams with their names changed properly and bingo, you have a leet soccer game :D
FIFA is a great game, however the lack of patches is horrible

Competition is based around bugs, that the germans have decided to call them "tricks"

Bullet passes, unstopable lobs, a run that makes you 2x as fast... all acceptable
FIFA is a shitty game(s) (series) that plays nothing like a soccer game, even arcade style.

If you want a face passed tightass soccer game with comparable graphics, do yourself a favor and pick up winning elven
Hoo_Man said:
That is a bit much, chico. FIFA is still a great game.

Maybe I flatter myself, but I think I know a shade more about soccer, and what a good soccer game is than you do