Sony Trinitron TV Problem


Veteran XX
Every 5 minutes or so, our Trinitron will freak out, switch to B&W, and have all these bizarre lines streaking across the screen - something resembling what it looks like when you fast forward a video tape or have incredibly bad tracking. To fix it, all we have to do is give the top of the set a soft rap, but it's really quite annoying to get up every 5 minutes and hit the TV, and it seems to be getting more frequent of late. Anyone have any idea how to fix this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
my monitor is a triniron. works like a champ except for one line of dead pixels about a third of the way up from the bottom.
Lukeris said:
my monitor is a triniron. works like a champ except for one line of dead pixels about a third of the way up from the bottom.
that's one of the trinitron lines (tri = 3)

i dunno exactly how it works, but it's supposed to be there

there should be another one on top too
Vash85 said:
Maybe you can return it where you bought it or get it fixed.
u people who want to return tv's after the 30 day shit need to die...

unless u bought an extended warranty from the store u dont bring it back after 30 days, ur shit out of luck unless u contact the manufacturer

sony has a 12 month policy for parts, 3 months labor on most of their tv's they are going to charge u a shitload for labor if u want to get it fixed