More pics of Iraqi prison abuse: Rape, murder, etc...


Veteran X
Dont have the pics, they havent been released. This time, it seems, our guys killed prisoners, raped female prisoners and took pics, and allowed dogs to maul them among other things:

Bush, showing support for his embattled defense chief, traveled to the Pentagon and told Rumsfeld in front of a news media audience, "You're doing a superb job ... and our nation owes you a debt of gratitude."

The fallout from the prison scandal was far from over, however, as the president privately examined about a dozen photographs of U.S. soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners. Those images have not been made public yet.

The president's reaction to the photographs was "one of deep disgust and disbelief that anyone who wears our uniform would engage in such shameful and appalling acts," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.

The images are said to show prisoners being forced to perform sexual acts, a male military police guard having sex with a female prisoner, dogs biting and severely injuring a detainee, and the bodies of dead Iraqi detainees.

The pictures Bush saw Monday were expected to be sent to the Senate Armed Services Committee, which today will hold a second hearing on the prison abuses by U.S. soldiers. Lawmakers were to hear from Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba, who led the investigation into what he called "sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses" at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad.

The Pentagon and the White House talked Monday about whether the photographs delivered to Congress eventually should be made public.

The Pentagon has to consider the privacy concerns of U.S. soldiers and whether release of the photos would complicate criminal investigations, McClellan said.

"Those responsible for these abuses have caused harm that goes well beyond the walls of a prison."

During his Pentagon visit, Bush stressed that the abuses were being thoroughly investigated.

He also acknowledged that the scandal has been a setback to U.S. foreign policy.

"The president does not honor American troops in Iraq by deflecting responsibility away from the secretary of defense," said Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa. "There is mounting evidence, in stark contrast to (Rumsfeld's) sworn testimony before Congress last week, that the abuses at Abu Ghraib were the result of policies and attitudes set from the top."

Conducted Thursday through Sunday, the poll also found that just over half of the public believes the Pentagon tried to cover up the abuse. Also, 47 percent of those polled said U.S. soldiers at the Iraqi prison acted on their own, 31 percent said they were following orders and 6 percent said the soldiers were both following orders and acting on their own.

Brookings Institution military analyst Michael O'Hanlon said that regardless of public support for Rumsfeld, Bush still should have the defense chief leave his job to stanch the damage that the prison scandal has done to America's reputation in the Arab world.
Dogs of war and men of hate
with no cause, we don't discriminate
discovery is to be disowned
our currency is flesh and bone
hell opened up and put on sale
gather round and haggle
for hard cash, we will lie and deceive
even our masters don't know the webs we heave

PF - Dogs of war
so which was more important to Iraqi 'freedom' killing them the prisoners and piling thier bodies up? Raping the bitches or setting the dogs on them...I think its the rape, nothing better than being raped for freedom :)
Doaln said:
they already did, and they even photographed it so they can incriminate themselves

Good, at least now the Arabs have a reason to hate us instead of just hating us blindly.

Too bad nobody cared this much when the Iraqi Army were slinging babies up against the wall of their jails to make Iraqi citizens admit they were spies against the state. Just to satisfy Saddams sick and twisted need for power.

Too bad nobody cared this much when Iraqi Army has shoving hot pokers up the asses of Iraqi artist because they painted something Saddam or one of his twisted Sons didn't like.
PopCorn said:
Good, at least now the Arabs have a reason to hate us instead of just hating us blindly.

Too bad nobody cared this much when the Iraqi Army were slinging babies up against the wall of their jails to make Iraqi citizens admit they were spies against the state. Just to satisfy Saddams sick and twisted need for power.

Too bad nobody cared this much when Iraqi Army has shoving hot pokers up the asses of Iraqi artist because they painted something Saddam or one of his twisted Sons didn't like.

but theres no wmd's
Bridude said:
but theres no wmd's

I think people missed the fact that we got the most important WMD of all. We got Saddam.

This fucker was starving and killing his own people, he gased his own people, he was writing $25,000 checks to Hamas Homocide Bombers, he invaded Kuwait, etc. Hell, he was a WMD. Just ask the thousands of nameless people buried in all those graves around Iraq if I'm wrong.

Next time somebody mentions WMD's, mention Saddam and then proceed to kick them right in their Liberal nuts.
What bothers me is we have troops stupid enough to take pictures of themselves breaking the law.

It's like the kids who videotaped them shooting people with paintball guns.
PopCorn said:
Good, at least now the Arabs have a reason to hate us instead of just hating us blindly.

Too bad nobody cared this much when the Iraqi Army were slinging babies up against the wall of their jails to make Iraqi citizens admit they were spies against the state. Just to satisfy Saddams sick and twisted need for power.

Too bad nobody cared this much when Iraqi Army has shoving hot pokers up the asses of Iraqi artist because they painted something Saddam or one of his twisted Sons didn't like.

I could care less what iraqis do to iraqis...I didn't want us to bring 'freedom' to iraq anyway...there are many countries that need freeing and its not our job. I care what our soldiers do and that they dont sink to the iraqi level. It says something about our behaviour there if the only way you can justify it (not really) is to compare it to the actions of the barbaric and say its not THAT bad is it? or it isnt fair to harp on our behaviour when others did worse and you didnt seem to care...those others arent americans and I expect more from us (I have no reason why, maybe a hold over from when I blindly supported everything america did)
Bridude said:
I like how they don't mention it was an Iraqi MP who raped the inmate.
regardless, american soldiers have been sexually abusing inmates (why do they like sticking things in the butt so much?).
Fuck the middle east
Speak english or Die, (1985)

Fuck The Middle East

Fuck the middle east
There's too many problems
They just get in the way
We sure could live without them
They hijack our planes
They raise our oil prices
We'll kill them all and have a ball
And end their fuckin' crisis
BEIRUT, LEBANON-Won't exist once we're done
LIBYA, IRAN-We'll flush the bastards down the can
SYRIANS and SHIITES-Crush their faces with our might
Then Israel and Egypt can live in peace without these dicks