Far Cry, BF Vietnam, or Painkiller

Been looking for something to keep me busy when I'm not playing Tribes as of late. I have UT 2K4 and love it but I want to get something else. Leaning towards Painkiller because for some reason it reminds me of the good ol' days of Doom. Just wanted feedback on what everyone is playing lately.

Oops forgot! WHat about Condition Zero?
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Ares said:
Far Cry for gee that looks pretty, oh wait this game sucks :-(

Now that I think about it, I never saw anything on the gameplay on Far Cry just how great it looked. And I did love the Painkiller demo. Does it have multiplayer for some mindless fragging?
Ares said:
Far Cry for gee that looks pretty, oh wait this game sucks :-(

It doesn't suck.
Its great actually. (not sure about multi)
Probably will get game of the year in several mags.

I personally don't want to relive Doom days.

Has anyone played Far Cry multi?
Granite Gargoyle said:
Now that I think about it, I never saw anything on the gameplay on Far Cry just how great it looked. And I did love the Painkiller demo. Does it have multiplayer for some mindless fragging?

Don't you get enough mindless fragging with ut2k4?
Far Cry : look at these awesome physics, USE A NEW GUN AND SEE HOW THE ENEMY REACTS, listen to our awesome voice acting, shoot more bad guys that are retarded, but they sure are pretty
I've played a good portion of the single player in Farcry and it r0x0r'd my b0x .. er

It was fun :) Most fun I've had with a SPlayer in a while and everything in the game seemed like it would make for a good multiplayer experience. The maps, weapons and vehicles. Love the alt fire on teh vehicles. You can toggle from machine gun to high powered rockets on the jeeps and boats. I had fun with it :)

hands down the most beautiful game I've ever played. Very realistic.
I've been enjoying the Far Cry single player. I guess people that don't like it don't enjoy sneaking through brush and avoiding most enemies, and instead would rather run in with a SAW and blow shit up.
hated the far cry demo but bought the game anyway......actually ended up liking the game.

also, Painkiller doesn't use the hl2 engine
[meph]DarkDonut said:
if u like SeriousSam, you'll like Painkiller.

Has nice graphics and uses the HL2 engine

Actually it's a custom engine called PAINengine. It uses the Havok physics engine like HL2 does, but not the actual HL2 engine.
Mooley said:
omg swg!


Exactly. Waiting on WoW. I've actually grown to like the massively multi thing, but I don't have $100 to blow on the current ones with all the expansions to get current so I wait patiently. I KNOW WoW will be great. I don't think Blizzard has ever fucked up any game. People are still tlaking about and playing Starcraft for GOD's sake.
Ares said:
Far Cry : look at these awesome physics, USE A NEW GUN AND SEE HOW THE ENEMY REACTS, listen to our awesome voice acting, shoot more bad guys that are retarded, but they sure are pretty
um...the AI in farcry is pretty decent actually.
It may not be the most innovative game ever, nor the best told story, but there is definitely some quality gameplay to be had in FC.

Which is more than you can say for Painkiller. Another ho-hum shooter that sends me down a predetermined track full of zombies and ghosts like some lame funhouse carnival ride?? Oh boy! Where do I sign up for this innovative and exciting experience?!
Hooray for glorified digital whack-a-mole!