recurring dream


Veteran X
just woke up from the second night in a row that i dreamed me and some kids stole two million dollars from this local school.
first night we did it and last night we covered up evidence but my mom started getting wise.
the highlight was riding a minibike down the hall of the school during class time and talking to the principal - after we had stolen all the loot.

i didn't know it was possible to feel guilty wall lying in your dreams.

intense sleeping :eek:
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moral of the story:
your mom knows everything. so don't steal 2 million dollars in your dreams

and don't make a thread about it
At least it's not a recurring dream where you're falling off a ledge.

I had three dreams where I fell off of like a 3 story stairwell (with a shaft in the middle) in my old house (was really 1 story IRL, but in dream more like 3-5)..

On the third time, I actually hit before waking up, and was paralyzed (muscles literally non-responsive or numb) in bed for a good couple of minutes.
^crazy shit your mind can do
whenever i fall i'll wake/sit up with a huge jolt breathing all hard