TW doctors to the rescue


Veteran XX
I already went to the clinic yesterday, but they were packed and it was almost closing time, and also my doc. was on holidays until Monday... so I'll humour myself and ask here.

Lower back pains.. or what I think are back pains are killin me lately. Its been on and off for about a month or so, not too severe, but yesterday was pretty bad for a few hours. Bad to the point where it hurt to walk normally. The pain is basically right above my ass, slightly to the left side. Are the kidneys there? What could it be besides just regular muscle back pain? I guess kidney infection or maybe a stone? That would suck.

I kinda wanted my doctor to send me in the right direction instead of just going to some random chiro.
sounds like kidneys to me, but you never know

going to a chiro would be hella fucking stupid

either go to the ER (clinic?) or wait to see your doctor
I had low back pains for a while now, so severe I couldn't run or play school sports. The doctor said I should go to physical therapy and I did for over a month. After a month of PT nothing had changed. So I looked around a got a lot of recomendations for a particular chiro. After one week with him the pain left and I could start sports again with regular check ups.
a lot of doctors think chiro's are worthless anyways (at least in the past 50 years, chiro's are better these days and can do more, but i know some doctors still think they are a waste)
Got Haggis? said:
i think you have what banshee had....time to get your tail removed!
there were like 3 other TW threads like that too, tw = full of tails
it could be something to do with your disks, or a pinched nerve. I had severe pain in my lower back while i was at bootcamp, and it ended up being a pinched nerve. I had to take some deflamatory pills so the lining around my disks became smaller and unpinched the nerve. It sucked bad, i couldn't even sit in certain positions :\
def said:
a lot of doctors think chiro's are worthless anyways (at least in the past 50 years, chiro's are better these days and can do more, but i know some doctors still think they are a waste)
I wouldn't say they're worthless. I don't think they have any more medical credence than a masseuse, but did my back ever feel good after my dad brought me to one when I was a kid.
I had something similar, ended up being torn tissue in my lower back... Took anti-inflamatory's for 3 months...
Sounds more like some sort of lower back problem involving either the muscles or the spinal nerves. Kidney pain is typically a bit higher at the curve of the last rib. Asprin, tylenol, motrin, or naproxen are the drugs of choice for this pain. I would also suggest ice to the painful area to help numb things a bit. Ice locally for twenty minutes every two hours while awake is excellent. Spending most of your time sitting or reclining in a comfortable position for a few days is also helpful. If you're no better after a few days of anti-inflammatories and rest it's time to get in to see the doctor.

If at any time over the next few days you should develop a fever, urinary bleeding or painful urination it's time for an ER visit.
does it go away when you drop a duce? if yes, you got back problems. Sounds more like kidney stones to me though, you a big Pepsi drinker?
My $0.02.

I thought I hurt my back about 6 months ago doing squats combined with an all nighter at the bowling ally... went to the doctor and was summarily diagnosed with a slipped two different docs.

How wrong they were.

I eventually got my HMO to allow me to see a chiropractor who saw me, correctly diagnosed me, and gave an "exercise" to do on my own which made my lower back pain disappear: (hard to describe, bear with me.)

Lay on your back, and bring one knee up to your chest. Grab your knee (with same side arm) and pull into your chest until you feel a nice stretch. Then, grab your ankle with your other hand, and pull it up towards your chest as well, until you feel a "different" stretch, also. Your lower leg should be around a 45 degree angle from the line of your body. Hold as long as you can (or for around 20-30 seconds) and slowly release. Repeat on other side, then repeat total cycle 3 more times.

The fix, as explained to me by the chiro...
After he did this to me (and I sweated through it, as it was pretty painful the first time), I got up and for the first time in about 6 weeks, felt absolutely no lower back pain. He explained that people that do specific Quad and/or Ham exercises cause their leg cords to shorten and thicken... cords that are attached to the pelvis. These shortened leg cords cause the pelvis to tilt, which, eventually, stresses the lower lumbar spine and associated muscles.

Anywho, just in case this is your ailment, thought I'd post what helped me. Good luck.
Thanks, I might try that out.

I think the oddest thing is that its so irregular. At this moment, it doesn't even hurt... I can kinda feel something is tense there, but theres no pain or anything. But then at other times it hurts like a bitch in some positions... when I lie down or recline in the chair, it goes away.

the obvious solution is to remove the offending organ(s).

I would suggest using a chainsaw and cauterinzing with 5 gallons of gasoline and a pack of matches.