Two Towers extended edition is looooonnnnggg

Well pretty much every scene is lengthened, and many deleted scenes were added in. Though the scene at the end where the retreating orcs are killed by the trees really didn't cut well back into the victory scene of Aragorn (who I had no idea was 87 years old) hugging Eowyn.
3+ hours was enough in the theater, and now it's 4 on DVD, wow, that's like 2 movies. I'd definately take a break on that one.
KellyMonaco said:
mud is too long and gay... ;)
No, she said I'm big, but not too big. :) (Oh yeah, I'm not gay either. :p )

Archimedes said:
Mud, don't make me come cut your blue hair off and make you squeel like a girl. I will do it, I swear.
Don't tease me.

HK, I think it's a movie that plays like a book. Movies are movies, books are books. When you make a movie out of a book, the story will inevitably change if you want to make it a good movie. You have to cut stuff out for running time, it's the way it works. You can still have a wonderful movie and a wonderful book, they're just seperate entities. What they did with the LOTR series is try to pack it all in. It gets extremely tedious and way too in-depth. I want to enjoy the movie, not get bogged down with its novel-like pace. :shrug:

I enjoyed the first movie, for the most part. The second was just agonizingly slow. I do understand I'm in the minority though. Oh well.