Photoshop/Imageready CS problem


Veteran XX
Keyboard shorcuts (ctrl-n, ctrl-v, ctrl-c, etc) don't work in photoshop cs

but they work fine in imageready cs

any ideas?

and before someone says "dont warez it" this is a legitimate copy at work.
my photoshop problem:

whenever i click a tool on the tool thingy, it pops up the list of all the tools in that category.. it used to only do that if I held the button (i think?) and it's really annoying needing to choose 2 things every time i switch tools
jotun said:
my photoshop problem:

whenever i click a tool on the tool thingy, it pops up the list of all the tools in that category.. it used to only do that if I held the button (i think?) and it's really annoying needing to choose 2 things every time i switch tools

in ps7 you chose the tool by clicking the lil black corner and then selecting which option. if u just clicked the main part of teh button u selected that tool. or click and hold.
Where is this patch

I wasn't aware there was one

there's nothing on the adobe site about it
Doaln said:
in ps7 you chose the tool by clicking the lil black corner and then selecting which option. if u just clicked the main part of teh button u selected that tool. or click and hold.
yeah, i know that's how it's supposed to work

that's how it always worked before

but at some point, for no apparent reason, it started showing the menu no matter where/how i clicked them
how long has CS even been out? i hadn't heard anything until Sarca's thread today.

edit: the "patch" is the crack i believe. i haven't tried to install it yet myself, i'm waiting until you guinea pigs sort it all out for me.
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NTDF-Alpha said:
fix is out and fixes the problem.

afraid to say where >.>

:lol: i'd hope it fixes the problem or it wouldn't be much of a fix would it?

edit: contact me via IRC.
NTDF-Alpha said:
I have problems connecting to dynamix IRC, so just check your PM.

i did, ty. hrm so if this works i may install CS tomorrow :D

i'm available in IRC fyi to whomever