Fuck college internet

[Ms] iNsAnE

Veteran X
I'm pissed off, not because my college isp screwed me over, but my roomate. My roomate got Terminator 3 from a friend on campus, they transfered the movie via mIRC. Then my roomate got busted for having this movie and they disabled his internet. I'm just glad they didn't catch me getting HL2...

But seriously, is this legal for them to being doing? Seeing what we're doing that indepth on our i-net?
but wtf? he downloaded like 3 other movies from the same guy, and a billion other songs and progs from him. Not to mention the other things he got from kazaa, tesla, and mirc from other sources.. So why did they pic just T3 to bring up?
[Ms] iNsAnE, when you're standing infront of a judge someday, be sure to represent yourself, ask if anyone saw you do it and mention that your daughter once stole a cookie
At my school I know a bunch of people who got busted doing student-to-student transfers of illegal files over the network. On the other hand rarely does anyone get caught downloading from sources outside of the schools network.