So I've probably got Ringworm


Greywolf said:
wtf that isnt bad

That's only one. My last count I have 6 of them. :( Kinda hard to spot in some places. And when you have fungus growing all over you then you can tell me it's not bad. It's also highly contagious. Supposedly I can transfer it just by touching an object.
Fool said:
That's only one. My last count I have 6 of them. :( Kinda hard to spot in some places. And when you have fungus growing all over you then you can tell me it's not bad. It's also highly contagious. Supposedly I can transfer it just by touching an object.
Well, what are you waiting for? Start running around and rubbing your worms on everybody!
I used to work at a vet (see, it's true.. All TW'ers are experts at everything..)

Anyways, we had some ringworm going around for awile from a dog. No big deal, treat it like poison ivy - don't scratch it and don't touch anyone with it.