<mofug> how do i decrease the interpolate buffer?

Seeing as how the default is 64MS, setting it to 32 would be cutting it in half.

Following that logic, any number between 0 and 64 would be decreasing it from the default ammount.
Mofug said:
[03:10] <mofug> phantasma, what do you have your interpolate buffer set to
[03:11] <[SMS]Timalis|GUI> -124 is the leetest interpolate!
[03:14] <mofug> hooraH!
[03:14] <mofug> no.
[03:15] <mofug> it makes things way too choppy.

har har?
know what sux? I recognize his name from pubbin. why do i have to play with such douches? and if i have to, i dont want to fucking know about it. goddammit
Well.. the log from um.. Thursday night is really.. choice stuff... rather... interesting subject matters he and a few others were dscussing.. I should sell my log files.. make some money lmfao