I'm bored as hell

What exciting things can you do on a Saturday Night?
drive around town and say to the person in your passenger seat "So what do you wanna do?" every 5 minutes

^^ the story of my life
How old are you? If you are in high school go to a house party duh. If older than that go to either a club and get drunk or a pub and get drunk, depending on your mood.
Must suck.

Therefore, I will avoid the same problem and go to a party. Time to get drunk and find some girls.
logmans said:
How old are you? If you are in high school go to a house party duh. If older than that go to either a club and get drunk or a pub and get drunk, depending on your mood.
21 and in college (at home though). And, I'm not in the mood to get drunk, seeing as how I don't drink. Whatever. I think the ceiling will provide for some quality entertainment.
I don't know how it's possible, but every single person is busy.

I guess if I get bored enough, I could attempt to find any tribers that live nearby, but I hope not.