kill bill trailer now in QT

This movie looks horrible :sick: Looks like Charlie's Angels with different characters.

you are so wrong it hurts.

molim - this isnt ofn, the trailer itself is old but it was only previously available in 300k streaming

I just watched Resevoir Dogs again the other night, and am getting True Romance Director's Cut as I type. Getting stoked about this new film :D
when I first saw the preview I was like.. Charlie's Angel's gone wrong? I mean really.. starts off with three kicks and the same asian girl from the Charlie's Angels trilogy. Bleh
It's not the movie specifically as much as it's a long awaited new flic by Tarantino. Tarantino movies are just...different, and you either LOVE them, or H8 them. I'd recommend watching True Romance or Resevoir Dogs if you haven't seen any of his movies.
or pulp fiction

I love that movie..I actually got all of my friends into they all quote it 24/ annoying