Tootsie Roll Pop Urban Legend?


Veteran X
How many of you know or heard about how you could send in a winning wrapper of a Tootsie Roll Pop and get a prize? I've also heard you bring the winning wrapper into a store and get a free sucker. But I've also heard it's just an urban legend. Have any of you ever cashed in on it? or just a big hoax.

Here is a pic of a winning wrapper I have:

(btw a winning wrapper is one with a PERSON WHO WAS HERE BEFORE THE WHITE MAN shooting a star with his bow and arrow.)
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ive heard this and i believe there was a thread on it before....

i dont remember the answer
Probably not. Nobody seems to know how this rumor got started, least of all the folks at Tootsie Roll Industries in Chicago, Illinois, who have been politely deflecting mail-in requests for free Tootsie Pops ever since the 1930s. They maintain there was never any sort of official promotion or contest associated with Tootsie Pop wrappers. Where the notion came from remains a mystery.

Actually, there's more to the mistakenly revered wrapper than just a star. The illustration shows an American Indian shooting an arrow at a star, and it's that Indian most people mention when they speak of the legend. I'm told about one-third of all Tootsie Pop wrappers sport the design. Why? For variety, apparently. Not much of a mystery there.

i was more right then i knew :0
Zabigypopel said:
How many of you know or heard about how you could send in a winning wrapper of a Tootsie Roll Pop and get a prize? I've also heard you bring the winning wrapper into a store and get a free sucker. But I've also heard it's just an urban legend. Have any of you ever cashed in on it? or just a big hoax.

Here is a pic of a winning wrapper I have:

(btw a winning wrapper is one with an Indian shooting a star with his bow and arrow.)

Zab I love you, blah blah blah but Jesus Christ.
An Indian is someone that comes from India.