Anyone here attend York University?

Joemomma's a faggot. You don't want ANY advice from him (unless it involves various methods of gay sex).
SuperMegaCheese said:
just wondering.. im starting there next week.. want someone to fill me in on whats cool and whats not.

i went there for a year

i figured out that what wasnt cool.... was York.

frosh it up as hard as you can, first month of school all the girls are at their sluttiest, then they slowly disappear as the year goes on.

are you living on campus?
York is only good if you'er going to Shulik's school of business (no idea how the name is actually spelled) or if you're going to teacher school, otherwise, good luck :(

Any reason you chose that?
SuperMegaCheese said:

assuming you're talking about the Canadian York University, York does indeed suck, it is a known fact around the community of universities and employers... The acceptances averages are much lower, the teaching standards are much lower, and unless you're doing business or teaching you have nothing you want there ;\