Work Woes?


Veteran XV
since im bored and have nothing better to do, as im sure is the case for those of you reading..

what are some crappy things about your work?
Im a merchandising supervisor at the Fort Worth Zoo (#3 in the nation)

one of my employees had to go cuz her mom had a medical emergency
3 people have had their cars broken into (2 of them my employees, 1 a friend) in the past week
ants keep infesting my candy store and trying to get all up in our homemade fudge
and i just sent home my only cool employees cuz were overbudget
and a couple more are about to get fired or quit for various reason

gonna be a long winter

how're yalls days goin
im just mad bored most of the time. although a guy just got fired last week who was pretty cool. nothing like what youre dealing with.
well, i used to be a tele-survey-conductor. everything about that job sucked- from the pay, to the co-workers, to the idiot's i'd have deal with on the fucking phone for 8 hours a day. the only people that'd actually take the survey were senile senior citizens who are depressed and desperate for human contact.
i work at the front desk of a hotel which is attached to an injun casino

so i deal with lots of angry old white people all day long

and a lot of hicks (its in north idaho)

and one of my coworkers is this obnoxoius gay guy who throws a temper tantrum whenever things don't go his way or he feels slighted in the least

so yeah, my job sucks

but the injuns pay well
People that come into a restaurant to order fucking appetizers at 7 at night and have to be bitches about it cause they're in a hurry. If you're gonna go out to eat, get some real food. And if you're not going to get real food, sit at or around the bar and don't waste my time and take up a table that a real paying customer can sit at.
engineering industry sucks just as bad.

i work at fluor daniel corp, and last year at this same time, we had almost 4700 people. then i quit, went back to school (i'm an intern) and then came back to work this summer, there are 1200 ppl in the office now. we're supposed to cut 200 jobs. the morale here is so shitty beucase everyone thinks they're going to lose their job. so dismal....
Gangrel said:
since im bored and have nothing better to do, as im sure is the case for those of you reading..

what are some crappy things about your work?
Im a merchandising supervisor at the Fort Worth Zoo (#3 in the nation)

one of my employees had to go cuz her mom had a medical emergency
3 people have had their cars broken into (2 of them my employees, 1 a friend) in the past week
ants keep infesting my candy store and trying to get all up in our homemade fudge
and i just sent home my only cool employees cuz were overbudget
and a couple more are about to get fired or quit for various reason

gonna be a long winter

how're yalls days goin
Well, at least it isn't giant African hissing cockroaches in the fudge.
actually the ants have only made their way to the fudge once..
we trashed it all.. normally they just go after syrup n stuff on the floor

on a side note.
some guy who is probably about to get fired just called and was all like "oh yea i need these days off blah blah" and i wanted to punch him in the face

i probably should have, but im too nice

ed: the fudge is really good too
we make like 15 flavors
it would have been a metaphysical punch
"kapow" if you dont come in to work monday, dont come in the rest of the week "bam"