San Diego Tribalwar AIRSOFT Day!

Hmmmm I never really understood airsoft, how is it better than paintball? I mean, when you shoot eachother, how can you tell when you've been hit?
Well, paintball has its flaws, airsoft its more for the person who wants to have the 'good shot' using the iron sights and realistic tactics. I dont know, you can tell when your out because your shooting solid 6mm bbs, just like paintball you wear face protection. What i meant about paintball earlier is that sometimes the balls dont break, but usually airsoft is based on an honor code.
Yes, because any fuckoff with $60 and a pair of shitty jeans can play PB. Actually, most pb places rent out pb guns, because faggots cannot afford thier own. OH YES A 40YR OLD MAN PLAYING PAINTBALL! HOW KIDISH, GROW UP MARINE NEWBIE.
your right, paintball looks like something 12year olds play. I dunno, i like airsoft more, you should try both before you bash paintball, ive played both many times.
nevermind i dont want to argue anymore. sorry for saying anything in the first place. they are two different sports, my bad. no hard feelings?